fbpx Warning:
OSSIX® Plus must not be used in patients with known collagen hypersensitivity, sensitivity to porcine-derived materials, or suffer from autoimmune diseases and connective tissue diseases. As the membrane is of a collagen origin, allergic reactions may not be entirely excluded. Please read IFU before use and for additional information on indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions.
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Case Study

Horizontal Bone Augmentation with OSSIX™ Bone and OSSIX® Volumax

Dr. Francisco Marchesani


A 66-year-old male patient, classified as ASA 1, sought consultation for a gingival fistula in the anterior teeth area.

Case Description

Both central incisors were extracted, implants were immediately installed, followed by horizontal guided bone regeneration (GBR), soft tissue improvement, and provisional placement. After achieving primary stability compatible with immediate function, OSSIX™ Bone that has been cut into smaller pieces was used to fill the gap and perform horizontal bone augmentation. Next, OSSIX® Volumax was placed on the bone graft and allowed to hydrate from the blood of the surgical bed. Read more in the attached case study for further details.

Watch the Case Video: Immediate Implant Placement and Guided Bone Regeneration for a Gingival Fistula in a 66-Year-Old Patient!

Download the Full Case Study Click Here

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