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Case Study

Simultaneous Ridge Augmentation with OSSIX® Plus

Dr. Alberto Monje, DDS, MS, PhD


A patient was referred for treatment of peri-implantitis. Predisposing factors such as inadequate implant positioning (too shallow) and the prosthetic component.

Case Description

To achieve newly formed bone at 4 months and to facilitate the placement of adequate implants to ensure long-term successful results, a simultaneous minimally invasive reconstructive approach to defects associated (MIRANDA) with implant removal using OSSIX® Plus was selected. Using OSSIX® Plus in this situation was justified by the fact that primary intention healing was not required, and the mucosal junction did not become distorted towards the buccal, which, in turn, may have been subjected to the lack of buccal keratinized mucosa. Read more in the attached case study for further details.

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