fbpx References
1. Scheyer T. and. McGuire MK. (2014) Evaluation of Premature Membrane Exposure and Early Healing in Guided Bone Regeneration of Peri-Implant Dehiscence and Fenestration Defects with a Slowly Resorbing Porcine Collagen Ribose Cross-Linked Membrane: A Consecutive Case Series. Clinical Advances in Periodontics. 5: 165-170
2. Zubery Y, Nir E, and Goldlust A. (2008). Ossification of a Collagen Membrane Cross-Linked by Sugar: A Human Case Series. Journal of Periodontology, 79(6), 1101–1107
3. Hong HR, Chen C-Y, Kim DM, and Machtei EE. (2018). Ridge preservation procedures revisited: a randomized controlled trial to evaluate dimensional changes with two different surgical protocols. Journal of Periodontology.
4. Data on file.
5. Smukler, H., D. Capri, and L. Landi, Harvesting bone in the recipient sites for ridge augmentation. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2008. 28(4): p. 411-9.
6. Moses O, Vitrial D, Aboodi G, Sculean A, Tal H, Kozlovsky A, Artzi Z, Weinreb M, Nemcovsky. Biodegradation of Three Different Collagen Membranes in the Rat Calvarium: a Comparative Study. CE J Periodontol. 2008 May;79(5):905-11. doi: 10.1902/jop.2008.070361
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GLYMATRIX® Technology

Empowering Nature with Advanced Science
for Guided Bone (GBR) and Tissue (GTR) Regeneration

GLYMATRIX® technology is at the heart of OSSIX® products, driving innovation in guided bone regeneration (GBR) and guided tissue regeneration (GTR). 1-8 The technology is inspired by the natural collagen cycle in our bodies, specifically through a biochemical process called glycation.9-10 By mimicking this process, GLYMATRIX® enables the development of advanced regenerative solutions that are highly effective and biocompatible1.

Clinically Proven and Globally Recognized

The efficacy and reliability of GLYMATRIX® are backed by over 100 scientific publications and clinical experience across hundreds of thousands of procedures worldwide. This technology is the result of extensive research dedicated to optimizing glycation as a collagen cross-linking mechanism.9-10

The Science Behind GLYMATRIX®

GLYMATRIX® technology utilizes naturally occurring, nontoxic sugars to cross-link collagen molecules, creating a stable and resilient collagen matrix. 9-10 This matrix forms the foundation of OSSIX® regenerative solutions, each tailored to meet specific clinical needs:

  • OSSIX Bone: A collagen sponge that promotes bone formation without leaving remnants, ensuring vital bone regeneration.2
  • OSSIX® Plus: A resorbable membrane3 that resists degradation even when exposed4, providing long-term protection and support.5
  • OSSIX® Volumax: An ossifying, volumizing collagen scaffold6 designed to increase tissue volume7 and support natural bone formation with no residual graft material properties.8
  • OSSIX Agile: An innovative pericardium membrane specifically engineered for GBR and GTR procedures, offering both flexibility and strength.1

Tailored Bioprogrammability for Optimal Performance

One of the key advantages of GLYMATRIX® technology is its bioprogrammability1, allowing for the creation of biomaterials with precisely engineered stability and properties. The cross-linked collagen matrix developed through GLYMATRIX® not only mimics the look and feel of natural tissue but also performs like it, ensuring that the regenerative materials act as a natural extension of the body’s own biological processes.1-8

Full list of referenceReferences
1. Data on file
2. Casarez-Quintana A, et al (2022). Comparing the histological assessment following ridge preservation using a composite bovine-derived xenograft versus an alloplast hydroxyapatite-sugar cross-linked collagen matrix. Journal of periodontology, 2022;1–10.
3. Tal H, Kozlovsky A, Artzi Z, Nemcovsky CE, Moses O. Long-term bio-degradation of cross-linked and non-cross-linked collagen barriers in human guided bone regeneration. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2008 Mar;19(3):295-302. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501. 2007. 01424.x. Epub 2008 Jan 7.
4. Hong HR, Chen C-Y, Kim DM, and Machtei EE. (2018). Ridge preservation procedures revisited: a randomized controlled trial to evaluate dimensional changes with two different surgical protocols. Journal of Periodontology
5. Zubery Y, Goldlust A, Alves A, and Nir E. (2007). Ossification of a Novel Cross-Linked Porcine Collagen Barrier in Guided Bone Regeneration in Dogs. Journal of Periodontology, 78(1), 112–121.
6. Evaluation Of OSSIX® Bone – A Dental Bone Graft Material – and Evaluation of OSSIX® Extend – A Dental Barrier Membrane – In a Beagle Mandibular Guided Bone Regeneration Model. 3 Dec 2015
7. Tavelli L, Barootchi S, Rodriguez MV, Meneghetti PC, Mendonça G, Wang HL. Volumetric Outcomes of Peri-implant Soft Tissue Augmentation with a Xenogeneic Cross-Linked Collagen Scaffold: A Comparative Clinical Study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2023 Jul-Aug;43(4):415-422.
8. Neiva R. Evolution of biomaterials in implant dentistry leads toenhanced tissue quality. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2022;43(7): 454-455.

Discover the Power of
GLYMATRIX® Technology
in OSSIX® Regenerative Solutions.

See How Our Advanced Collagen-Based Products Can Elevate Your Practice.

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