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Case Study

Implant Placement with Concurrent Ridge Augmentation using OSSIX Agile™ and PrimeTaper Implant

Dr. Sausha Toghranegar, DMD MS


A 24-year-old female patient, non-smoker, without significant medical history or medications, presented with congenital tooth #4 absence, adjacent tooth recession, and thin tissue.

Case Description

Assessment revealed sufficient crest width but apical 2/3 thinning bone, along with adequate keratinized gingiva. A space maintainer for #4 caused inflammation due to gingival impingement, and tooth #5 had a noticeable recession. Radiography indicated suitable bone for implant, with concerns about buccal plate thinning and perforation at #4’s apical 2/3. Treatment comprised space maintainer removal, debridement, ND Yag laser treatment, guided implant placement at #4, facial contour grafting, and primary closure for #5’s recession. To read the whole case click below.

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